The provisions of the Law of 8th November 2019 on Energy and Climate and the Law of 22nd August 2021 on combating climate change and strengthening resilience to its effects, put in place measures to eradicate the energy strainers of the private rental park. Thus, housing leased since 1st January 2022 must demonstrate a certain energy performance.
This performance is calculated on the following consumption items: heating, domestic hot water production, air conditioning, lighting and auxiliary operation (e.g. ventilation). These values are translated by an energy label, from A to G, incorporating two components:
- Energy consumption (kilowatt hour of primary energy per m² per year) and
- Greenhouse gas emissions (equivalent kilogram of CO2 per m² per year).
This energy class is mentioned in the Energy Performance Diagnosis. The Energy Performance Diagnosis is part of the technical diagnostic file which must be communicated to the tenant as soon as the rental contract is signed. Note that an Energy Performance Diagnosis can only be achieved by one of the 8,000 certified professionals in France.

The measures to eradicate these energy strainers have put in place a rent freeze since 24th August 2022 and requires, from 1st January 2023, to comply with a minimum level of energy performance as a criterion of decency necessary for the rental of a property.
The expected level of energy performance will be progressively increased according to the following timetable:

Therefore French landlords must now ensure the energy performance of their housing and consider renovation solutions so that they can continue to offer it for rent.
The Energy Performance Diagnosis calls for work to improve the energy performance of housing in the form of recommendations. However, these recommendations are generalist and it is appropriate to turn to an energy audit to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the work to be carried out to get the house out of the « energy sieve » status. There are many constraints on the landlords of today and tomorrow. Energy renovation aid, eligible to landlords, can solve the financing of this work: the eligibility conditions relate to the age of the housing to be renovated and sometimes to the applicant’s income.
The awareness of landlords to the challenges of energy performance is necessary to encourage the implementation of energy renovation work in the private rental housing stock. The legislative framework now requires landlords to participate in the energy saving effort. However, fraudulent practices in the context of works, misinformation regarding existing aid and support schemes and the significant cost of energy renovation operations can slow down the lessor.
The existence of a single interlocutor, identified as a trusted interlocutor, makes it possible to reassure the owner concerned about the proper implementation of his project of works.
The European project I-HEROS and its pilot antenna Toulouse Metropole Renov’ proposes to support owners, specifically lessors in terms of energy decency, in carrying out energy renovation works on their property through a one-stop shop to centralise answers to all technical and financial questions on energy renovation.

As this document is not intended to be exhaustive, the services of the ADIL and Toulouse Métropole Rénov remain at your disposal to welcome you and provide you with the necessary information to answer the questions remaining after reading this FAQ here.
Maison de l’énergie de Toulouse Métropole
Arche Marengo, 1 allée Jacques Chaban-Delmas
F-31500 Toulouse
Open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday afternoons from 2pm to 6pm,
Or by appointment on renov.toulouse-metropole.fr
Hotline at 0534245959 from Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm
Adil de la Haute-Garonne (31)
4 rue Furgole
(Metro Carmes)
Consultations by appointment
Hotline every day of the week (except Monday morning) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
info@adil31.org / www.adil31.org