
Why is it important to foster energy restoration in Europe?

I-HEROS contributes to the 2050 EU Energy Strategy

2050 EU Energy Strategy

The 2050 EU Energy Strategy explores the adaptation of the energy market to lead to decarbonisation as well as further increase renewable energy and infrastructure with the aim to reduce greenhouse emissions by 80 – 95 % when compared to 1990 levels. Nevertheless, only 0,4 – 1,2 % of the housing stock in the EU is renovated each year. A considerable effort in the renovation of existing buildings would lead to significant energy savings in the transition to clean energy.

It is urgent to accelerate the energy renovation of the existing building stock in order to

  1. make cities more sustainable
  2. improve the quality of life for people.

In the current context of global warming, the reduction of energy consumption is a central issue. Throughout the whole of Europe, aging housing stock is the source of problems such as discomfort, lack of accessibility, energy inefficiency and high dependence on energy prices. In the EU, buildings are responsible for approximately 40 % of energy consumption and 36 % of CO2 emissions. In addition, about 35% of EU buildings are over 50 years old and almost 75 % of the building stock is energy inefficient.

Along with the environmental benefits, renovation of existing buildings would help households escape energy poverty and create economic growth in the construction and the renewables sectors. It would also leverage social benefits like improved health, comfort and wellbeing of the residents.

I-HEROS challenges

What are the current challenges hindering the implementation of energy restoration in Europe?

In order to leverage the number of renovations, the process must adress the following 5 main barriers to implementing energy restoration projects exist:

The quality and availability of information is a determining factor in the motivation and success of a renovation project. Just like the quality of the communication to the occupants, it allows the understanding of the technical, financial, organisational points necessary to the decision making and to the good progress of the renovation process. For example, a poor understanding of the occupants and their habits can lead to the choice of an inappropriate renovation programme.

Good communication on the transversal energy improvements can also motivate the decision process and accelerate the renovation process. It is therefore important to highlight the benefits in terms of asset enhancement, comfort improvement, financial gains on operation and maintenance.

From the homeowner’s perspective, the market of proposed services and renovation professionals is often considered fragmented and complex. A lack of support and understanding of the overall package can lead to demotivation or mistrust. This mistrust can be aggravated by bad communication on the feedback of some projects. From the professionals’ point of view, the lack of qualified employees or materials can be a barrier to increasing the rhythm of renovation. The size of the companies can also influence its survival in time. The lack of standardised solutions necessarily implies a diversification of the knowledge and a possible loss of time for the realisation of the project. Furthermore, the legal or regulatory framework has a strong impact on the renovation incentive policy, the organisation and the fragmentation of the market as well as on the access to financial devices. The state and governmental authorities have, therefore, an important role to play in accelerating the pace of renovation.

From the owner’s point of view, the fragmentation of the market and the legal framework can lead to a complex administrative process. Following this stage, the follow-up and organisation of the renovation work requires specific management skills. There may also be a difference between the expected results and the actual results.

Often owners must adapt a building that was designed to deal with past needs to current issues, techniques and materials. A negative consideration of this point can cause important disorders on the construction site, the building, the maintenance, etc. For example, the most common disorders concern ventilation, infiltration or the structure of the building.

From a sociological point of view, personal views and beliefs can be very important in the decision-making process. It is then difficult to provide quality information that can facilitate this process. This point is aggravated in the case of co-ownerships. Not all occupants necessarily have the same objectives, expectations, priorities or understanding of the renovation project. Personal affinities can also complicate the situation.

With the high investment and debt costs associated with renovation and long payback periods, owners are often reluctant to renovate. The involvement of stakeholders and financial mechanisms are often necessary to motivate and facilitate this step. In addition, fluctuating energy markets and material prices play a major role in the initial investment and payback period of projects. These fluctuations can be very disparate depending on the price of the countries of Europe.

  • Comfort issues in the summer

  • Humidity problems in the walls

  • Historic facades with specific renovation needs

  • 25000 households in an energy poverty situation

What is the home energy renovation situation in Toulouse Metropole ?

In Toulouse Métropole, the territory’s most energy-consuming sectors, which are also responsible for most GHG emissions, are transportation and buildings. In the buildings sector, the energy-efficient renovation of existing constructions has been the subject of a major political will, and the objective is to perform 7500 renovations per year, as opposed to 3000 today.

What is the home energy renovation situation in Toulouse Metropole ?

In Toulouse Métropole, the territory’s most energy-consuming sectors, which are also responsible for most GHG emissions, are transportation and buildings. In the buildings sector, the energy-efficient renovation of existing constructions has been the subject of a major political will, and the objective is to perform 7500 renovations per year, as opposed to 3000 today.

The need for a one-stop-shop for Toulouse Métropole

In 2016, a study was carried out to assess the annual number of energy-efficient renovations of the private housing stock in the metropolitan area. The analysis demonstrated that 3000 renovations are performed annually and suggested that if no political action is taken (“business as usual” scenario), 5500 energy-efficient renovations would take place annually by 2025.

To reach the objective of 7500 renovations, the one-stop-shop for energy-efficient renovations developed through I-HEROS should lead to an augmentation of 2000 annual renovations by proposing proactive support to households in their renovation project. It also includes support to professional enterprises of the renovation sector and the mobilisation of financial partners

Did you know?

Key figures about Toulouse Métropole

Key figures

Since the beginning of 2022 (operational deployment of the I-HEROS project), the OSS of Toulouse Métropole brought more than 3605 first contacts in individual houses, including 1003 first « in-depth » contacts, and 152 first contacts in condominiums (so approximately 4560 flats, including 43 « in-depth » contacts in condominiums (≈ 1290 flats)).

A total of 429 audits have been realised in individual houses and 15 audits in condominiums for 461 flats exactly, a total of 890 units.

If we follow the French government initiative « Ma Prime Rénov », in the first half of 2022, 1211 individuals have undertaken one or more energy renovation actions but only 54 of those have asked to be accompanied by OSS for the realisation of the renovation works.

Moreover, according to an ADEME calculator (the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management), 2293 « in-depth » contacts, with a rate of passage to the act to 70% generate 10,7 M€ of investments in renovation, avoid 2.272 tCO2-eq/year, save 14 GWh/year and create 172 jobs.