Using a modular system to set up a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) that was introduced by the Horizon2020 project « INNOVATE”, three case studies were analysed to facilitate a practical understanding of how a One-Stop-Shop functions and which offers it poses for an integrated home renovation. The modular structure of OSS made it possible to identify the differences between France and Germany in order to assess the novelty of the approach taken in Toulouse. The identified obstacles in the development of OSS in Germany were examined to see if approaches from Toulouse can help overcome them and thus offer a more comprehensive range of support for property owners’ modernisation projects.
By means of a workshop, an online survey and in-depth interviews with German energy and climate protection agencies, the state of development of German One-Stop-Shops and the barriers to further development were determined.
As far as the basic modules of OSS are concerned, in the area of communication & marketing, energy and subsidy advice free of charge, the German One-Stop-Shops are well positioned. Especially at the beginning of the customer journey in a renovation process, they provide a wide range of offers as guidance for the homeowners. The further the customer journey moves towards the implementation phase, the OSS offers end and it is no longer possible to track which measures from the initial consultation are implemented. This makes it impossible to monitor the success of the consultation and the energy savings initiated by the OSS. In order to make the German OSS a more comprehensive modernisation partner for clients and to develop them towards an all-inclusive model, the approaches from France and especially Toulouse can be helpful.
Toulouse Métropole Rénov demonstrates how to showcase the OSS-service prominently in the city, directly address properties in particular need of renovation, use digital tools as advisory instruments and build a network of quality suppliers.
Study results now available online
After the one-year test phase of the One-Stop-Shop and the qualitative analysis of the situation in Germany, the first results on the replication potential are summarised in three short reports.
Part 1 – Case Studies [available in EN/DE] presents the theoretical background to One-Stop-Shops and uses three case studies to facilitate a practical understanding of how a One-Stop-Shop functions and which offers it poses for an integrated home renovation.
Part 2 – Status Quo [available in EN/DE] gives an overview on approaches of One-Stop-Shops that already exist in Germany and gives first indications on how a potential development of the German One-Stop-Shops could look like.
Part 3 – Recommendations [available in EN/DE] summarises the recommendations for the setup and development of German One-Stop-Shops and the lessons learned from the Toulouse model.
The comprehensive report will be published in the end of the project.